Animals of The Earth Vol​ume 2 ~ Tryptology Mixtape Ethnotronic Folktronic World Ethnic Wilderness

Listen to on Hearthis wihout any ads Cosmovision Records has just released today the second part of Animals of The Earth :)! I invite you to read their manifesto which of course take into account that humankind is in 2020. Also remember that 100% of Cosmovision albums are not only free or «name your price» but more important 99% of them support causes for indigenous and so-called «primitive» people with our donations. The causes are of course always clearly described in the description. Here the Cosmovision Records description of Animals of The Earth Vol​. 2:

«Our generation has taken many causes but the most important cause is sometimes forgotten and thats our planets ecosystem. Today our planet still waits urgently for our action and with the latest events, Mother Earth itself is screaming to humanity to slow down and reconnect with her in a spiritual way.

Modern societies have been treating Mother Earth as if it was their property; extracting resources, polluting constantly, changing the landscape, killing the other animals and destroying its natural balance.

Since the Industrial Revolution, humanity has killed 83% of all wild mammals and half of all plants of the Earth. Two hundred species of living beings are going extinct every single day. We collectively need to change so many things in areas such as the use of plastic, meat consumption, contaminating energies, day to day overconsumption and more. How can artists raise awareness regarding this?

Thinking on how to be simple but at the same time Universal, Cosmovision Records presents ¨Animals of the Earth¨. For this project we have gathered to co-create an ecosystem that lives in a music album. Producers from many places on Earth explored their connections with our animal cousins, remembering that the monkey, the wolf, the polar beer and all the others are our partners in the long trip that this green and lively planet takes in the Universe.

We invite you to come with us on this journey through the musical ecosystem of the ¨Animals of the Earth¨ to discover, respect and care for these beautiful beings that live with us. „

Cosmovision Records networks

Look deeper in the about section to learn more about Tryptology and the Intentions within You can find me on Soundcloud Hearthis Vimeo ~ ads free music video ~ and Mixcloud and other social networks to discuss about all the Tryptology related topics in fact I am everywhere on the web and in many realities and timelines

Tracklist and timecode

1 Mamazu and Intiche ~ Rena 00:00
2 J Pool ~ The Call of the Loon 07:07
3 El Extravagante and Nectar de Estrellas ~ Chevreuil Blanc 13:17
4 Guasá Guarriors and Juan Correa feat Carminda Mac Lorin ~ El Nublao 16:38
5 Nat Barrera ~ Buhero 20:54
6 Intiche ~ Huemul 25:05
7 Jiony ~ Sloth 35:36
8 Jack Essek — Hummingbird 39:52
9 Yemanjo — Echolocation 48:10
10 Ultra K — Luciole 52:00
11 Soul of Zoo

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