Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (FULL)

Beethoven — Moonlight Sonata (FULL) — Piano Sonata No. 14

The Piano Sonata No. 14 in C♯ minor «Quasi una fantasia», op. 27, No. 2, by Ludwig van Beethoven

The sonata has three movements:

0:00 1 mvt: Adagio sostenuto
6:00 2 mvt: Allegretto
8:05 3 mvt: Presto agitato

Adagio sostenuto

The first movement, in C♯ minor, is written in an approximate truncated sonata form. The movement opens with an octave in the left hand and a triplet figuration in the right. A melody that Hector Berlioz called a «lamentation», mostly by the right hand, is played against an accompanying ostinato triplet rhythm, simultaneously played by the right hand. The movement is played pianissimo or «very quietly», and the loudest it gets is mezzo forte or «moderately loud».

The adagio sostenuto has made a powerful impression on many listeners; for instance, Berlioz said of it that it «is one of those poems that human language does not know how to qualify. The work was very popular in Beethovens day, to the point of exasperating the composer himself, who remarked to Carl Czerny, „Surely Ive written better things.


The second movement is a relatively conventional scherzo and trio, a moment of relative calm written in D-flat major, the enharmonic equivalent of C♯ major, the more easily-notated parallel major of C♯ minor. Franz Liszt described the second movement as “a flower between two chasms.»[citation needed] The slight majority of the movement is in piano, but a handful of sforzandos and forte-pianos helps to maintain the movements cheerful disposition.

Presto agitato

The stormy final movement (C♯ minor), in sonata form, is the weightiest of the three, reflecting an experiment of Beethovens (also carried out in the companion sonata, Opus 27, No. 1 and later on in Opus 101) placement of the most important movement of the sonata last. The writing has many fast arpeggios and strongly accented notes, and an effective performance demands lively and skillful playing.

It is thought that the C-sharp minor sonata, particularly the third movement, was the inspiration for Frédéric Chopins Fantaisie-Impromptu, which manifests the key relationships of the sonatas three movements.

Of the final movement, Charles Rosen has written «it is the most unbridled in its representation of emotion. Even today, two hundred years later, its ferocity is astonishing.

Beethovens heavy use of sforzando notes, together with just a few strategically located fortissimo passages, creates the sense of a very powerful sound in spite of the predominance of piano markings throughout. Within this turbulent sonata-allegro, there are two main themes, with a variety of variation techniques utilized.
Beethovens pedal mark
See also: Piano history and musical performance, Mute (music), and Piano pedals#Beethoven and pedals

At the opening of the work, Beethoven included a written direction that the sustain pedal should be depressed for the entire duration of the first movement. The Italian reads: „Si deve suonare tutto questo pezzo delicatissimamente e senza sordino“. (»One must play this whole piece [meaning «movement»] very delicately and without dampers.") The modern piano has a much longer sustain time than the instruments of Beethovens day, leaving for a rather blurry and dissonant tone.

One option for dealing with this problem is to perform the work on a restored or replicated piano of the kind Beethoven knew. Proponents of historically informed performance using such pianos have found it feasible to perform the work respecting Beethovens original direction.

#Beethoven #Piano #ClassicalMusic

The Best of Rimsky-Korsakov

The Best of Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (18 March [O.S. 6 March] 1844 — 21 June [O.S. 8 June] 1908)

Rimsky-Korsakov believed, as did fellow composer Mily Balakirev and critic Vladimir Stasov, in developing a nationalistic style of classical music. This style employed Russian folk song and lore along with exotic harmonic, melodic and rhythmic elements in a practice known as musical orientalism, and eschewed traditional Western compositional methods. However, Rimsky-Korsakov appreciated Western musical techniques after he became a professor of musical composition, harmony and orchestration at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory in 1871. He undertook a rigorous three-year program of self-education and became a master of Western methods, incorporating them alongside the influences of Mikhail Glinka and fellow members of The Five. His techniques of composition and orchestration were further enriched by his exposure to the works of Richard Wagner.

For much of his life, Rimsky-Korsakov combined his composition and teaching with a career in the Russian military—at first as an officer in the Imperial Russian Navy, then as the civilian Inspector of Naval Bands. He wrote that he developed a passion for the ocean in childhood from reading books and hearing of his older brothers exploits in the navy. This love of the sea might have influenced him to write two of his best-known orchestral works, the musical tableau Sadko (not his later opera of the same name) and Scheherazade. Through his service as Inspector of Naval Bands, Rimsky-Korsakov expanded his knowledge of woodwind and brass playing, which enhanced his abilities in orchestration. He passed this knowledge to his students, and also posthumously through a textbook on orchestration that was completed by his son-in-law, Maximilian Steinberg.

Rimsky-Korsakov left a considerable body of original Russian nationalist compositions. He prepared works by The Five for performance, which brought them into the active classical repertoire (although there is controversy over his editing of the works of Modest Mussorgsky), and shaped a generation of younger composers and musicians during his decades as an educator. Rimsky-Korsakov is therefore considered «the main architect» of what the classical music public considers the Russian style of composition. His influence on younger composers was especially important, as he served as a transitional figure between the autodidactism which exemplified Glinka and The Five and professionally trained composers which would become the norm in Russia by the closing years of the 19th century. While Rimsky-Korsakovs style was based on those of Glinka, Balakirev, Hector Berlioz, and Franz Liszt, he «transmitted this style directly to two generations of Russian composers» and influenced non-Russian composers including Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy, Paul Dukas and Ottorino Respi

0:00 The Sea and Sinbads Ship
9:59 The Story of the Kalander Prince
22:52 The Young Prince and the Young Princess
33:31 Festival at Baghdad — The Sea — Shipwreck

Capriccio Espagnol:
46:36 Alborada — Vivo e strepitoso
47:47 Variazioni: Andante con moto
52:34 Alborada. Vivo e strepitoso (II)
53:45 Scena e Canto Gitano: Allegretto
55:20 Fandango Asturiano

1:01:22 The Flight of the Bumble Bee
1:02:45 Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op.36

Почему Йога Айенгара? Вся правда об Обучении в Индии!

Впечатления о курсе обучения в Институте Йоги Айенгара в Пуне, Индия.

Почему именно Йога Айенгара? Кто это такой? В чем главный секрет данного метода? В интервью раскрыта история знакомства Татьяны с этим направлением, биография Б.К.С. Айенгара, суть его метода, впечатления от обучения в Институте Айенгара в Пуне (Индия), о его наследии и многое другое. Постарайтесь проникнуть сердцем и вдохнуть частичку Великого! Усаживайтесь поудобнее и приятного Вам просмотра.

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8:47 Посещала ли ты Институт Йоги Айенгара в Пуне, Индия?
10:14 Как попасть в Институт Йоги Айенгара?
11:59 Как проходит обучение в Институте Айенгара?
13:43 Кто преподает в Институте Айенгара?
14:33 Сколько длится курс один обучения?
15:37 Положительные и отрицательные воспоминания об Институте
18:25 Что бы ты сказала Айенгару, если бы он был жив?

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Базовое занятие ГИБКОЕ ТЕЛО - полноценная часовая тренировка

БАЗОВОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ «Гибкое тело» — полноценная часовая тренировка — фото и отзывы вконтакте
— полноценная Часовая тренировка с разминкой, основной частью и релаксацией;
— приятный и комфортный темп — возможность заниматься синхронно с видео;
— подробное объяснение по технике выполнения упражнений;
— разные варианты сложности упражнений;
— разбор распространенных ошибок;
— приятная разнообразная фоновая музыка.
— повышение уровня гибкости;
— мягкая суставная разминка;
— укрепление мышц спины, ног и брюшного пресса;
— вытяжение и укрепление позвоночника,
— развитие вестибулярного аппарата и навыков балансирования;
— раскрытие грудной клетки, плечевых и тазобедренных суставов;
— расслабление и гармонизация психо-эмоционального состояния;
— повышение жизненного тонуса и общего самочувствия.


Позы на скручивание в йоге очень важны для нашего тела, поэтому преподаватель включает их в программу курса айенгара йоги.

Начинающим заниматься мы порекомендует включать видео последовательно, с первого урока, и далее двигаясь вниз, так как нагрузка с каждым занятием увеличивается.

Наклоны, вытяжения вперед и скручивания — это комплекс упражнений на сегодня!

Освобождаемся от зажимов, ноющих болей в пояснице, позвоночнике, шейном отделе.

Будьте здоровы!

Утренняя зарядка. Мой секрет хорошего настроения.

Утренняя зарядка на каждый день. В этом видео я поделюсь с вами любимыми упражнениями, которые я собрала в свою утреннюю зарядку или гимнастику. Здесь вы найдете и суставную гимнастику, которая очень полезна для поддержания здоровья и многое другое. Такая зарядка придаст вам бодрости и заряд энергии на целый день. Очень рекомендую! Давайте заниматься каждое утро вместе со мной!

#утренняя #зарядка #суставная #разминка

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Немного обо мне:

Я сыроед и адепт здорового образа жизни. Занимаюсь йогой, спортом, духовным развитием и много путешествую по всему миру. Родилась в Германии, но основную часть своей жизни прожила в городе Сочи, где у меня был свой бизнес на протяжении 10 лет. Далее я поняла, что мне нужно развиваться дальше и я переехала в Москву, а затем спустя несколько лет в Майами. Сейчас я живу в Лос-Анджелесе и у меня тут бизнес, который связан с йогой. Моя жизнь очень сильно поменялась за последние несколько лет и я сама очень изменилась внутренне. Мне хочется делиться многими вещами и помогать людям. Давайте вместе изменим себя и этот мир к лучшему!

10-минутная Тренировка в Планках с эффективностью часовых Кардио

Функциональная Стато-Динамическая тренировка, состоящая из разминки, Статичного полуприседа и динамических планок и выполняющаяся круговым методом!

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Приятной тренировки!!!

Ring The Alarm (Freemasons Club Mix)

Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment

Ring The Alarm (Freemasons Club Mix) · Beyoncé

Ring The Alarm (Dance Mixes)


Composer, Lyricist, Executive Producer, Producer: Beyoncé Knowles
Producer: Swizz Beatz
Composer, Lyricist: Kasseem «Swizz Beatz» Dean
Composer, Lyricist, Producer: Sean Garrett
Executive Producer: Mathew Knowles
Assistant Engineer: Rob Kinelski
Assistant Engineer: Steve Tolle
Mixing Engineer: Jason Goldstein
Mastering Engineer: Tom Coyne
Recording Engineer: Jim Caruana
Re- Mixer: Freemason

Auto-generated by YouTube.