Best of Tycho

Every time you look up at the stars, it’s like opening a door. You could be anyone, anywhere. You could be yourself at any moment in your life. You open that door and you realize you’re the same person under the same stars. Camping out in the backyard with your best friend, eleven years old. Sixteen, driving alone, stopping at the edge of the city, looking up at the same stars. Walking a wooded path, kissing in the moonlight, look up and you’re eleven again. Chasing cats in a tiny town, you’re eleven again, you’re sixteen again. You’re in a rowboat. You’re staring out the back of a car. Out here where the world begins and ends, it’s like nothing ever stops happening.

00:00 — Awake
04:38 — Cascade
08:34 — Human Condition
13:41 — A Walk
18:52 — From Home
25:24 — Epigram
27:52 — Dive
36:12 — Sunrise Projector
39:16 — Past Is Prologue
45:03 — Melanine
47:58 — Dictaphones Lament
52:08 — Montana
58:37 — Cloud Generator
01:02:59 — Elegy
01:07:18 — Ascension
01:11:42 — The Disconnect
01:17:55 — Adrift
01:23:55 — Daydream
01:29:35 — L
01:34:13 — See
01:39:32 — Dye
01:44:50 — PBS
01:49:29 — Systems
01:55:44 — Brother
01:57:26 — Spectre
02:01:14 — Hours
02:06:58 — Send And Receive
02:11:51 — Coastal Brake
02:17:25 — Apogee
02:21:46 — Overlook
02:27:25 — Plains
02:30:42 — Sunrise Calendar
02:33:39 — A Circular Reeducation
02:39:06 — You Should Be More Like Your Brother
02:40:49 — Epoch
02:46:35 — Horizon
02:50:45 — Division


This is a reupload.

Dear artists, producers and photographers!

The purpose of this upload is to share fantastic music and beautiful pictures! If you are the rightful owner of any material posted by us and want us to remove it, we will do so immediately. Just send us an message/email.

Japanese Chado Matcha Green Tea Ceremony #TeaStories | TEALEAVES

It is our privilege to film this beautiful Chado ceremony, which has been an important inspiration for TEALEAVES since our founding in 1994. We gratefully thank our friends Kazue Kojima, June Yoriko Tanemura, and Yasuko Takahashi who all practice the Japanese Way of Tea in Vancouver.

New videos weekly. Make sure to subscribe to stay in the know about future Tealeaves projects and collaborations

Learn about this ceremony

Relaxing Zen Music with Water Sounds • Peaceful Ambience for Spa, Yoga and Relaxation

Расслабляющая дзэн музыка со звуками воды. Создайте спокойную атмосферу для спа, йоги и релаксации с умиротворяющей музыкой от Soothing Relaxation, написанной Peder B. Helland. Больше расслабляющей музыки на:

Best of God Is An Astronaut

Ive been meaning to make this compilation since ages. God Is An Astronaut is one of the best bands out there and I have been devotedly listening to them for the past 7 years and this compilation has 30 of my absolutely favourite songs from them. I hope you guys have a fun time with this one. Be sure to buy their albums and follow them on social media as well (links below).

A massive shout out to Mehek V for her endless support for the channel and also helping me to compile this list. A special token of thanks to Leonardo Capotondi of The Chasing Monster ( for his support in this compilation as well.

Follow Wherepostrockdwells on Facebook:


01. All Is Violent, All Is Bright 00:00
02. Point Pleasant 04:14
03. Lost Kingdom 09:17
04. Fall From The Stars 14:40
05. Echoes 19:08
06. Dust And Echoes 24:22
07. Centralia 28:36
08. Age Of The Fifth Sun 35:23
09. Dark Rift 41:52
10. Grace Descending 47:00
11. Forever Lost 52:30
12. Parallel Highway 58:52
13. From Dust To The Beyond 1:02:48
14. Helios Erebus 1:08:06
15. Tempus Horizon 1:16:37
16. Frozen Twilight 1:21:44
17. Callistoga 1:28:05
18. Post Mortem 1:32:39
19. Remembrance 1:38:32
20. Zodiac 1:42:52
21. Reverse World 1:48:35
22. New Years End 1:53:45
23. The End Of The Beginning 1:58:02
24. Red Moon Lagoon 2:02:18
25. Vetus Memoria 2:07:06
26. Shadows 2:12:27
27. The Last March 2:17:40
28. Suicide By Star 2:22:24
29. Snowfall 2:27:02
30. Fragile 2:33:45

Follow WPRD on Facebook and Instagram

God Is An Astronaut

I own no credits for the cover pic or the music in this compilation. If you are the rightful owner of any material posted here and want us to remove it, we will do so immediately. Just send me an email at

СИЛОВЫЕ ТРЕНИРОВКИ в домашних условиях

Это первый видео урок курса «Силовые тренировки» (или силовой фитнес дома), который познакомит вас с основными техниками и упражнениями, и поможет освоиться в этом направлении фитнеса.

На первом онлайн видео уроке рассмотрены основные упражнения, направленные на проработку мышц ног и живота. Данные упражнения подходят для мужчин и для женщин независимо от возраста. Тренер научит правильно выполнять выпады, приседания и иные упражнения, которые в домашних условиях помогут достичь отличного результата. Также на уроке показана правильная разминка перед силовой тренировкой, что будет необходимо при дальнейшем изучении курса.

Силовые и интервальные тренировки ведут Реутова Наталья и Реутов Михаил (онлайн фитнес клуб

Подробнее о направлении:

Подробнее о тренере:


Heart Sutra/般若心経 (cho ver.)(2020 mix.) × Ikkyu-ji Temple,Kyoto,Japan - Japanese Zen Music

►My Channel Link:
Filming Locations:Ikkyu-ji, Kyoto, Japan
▶︎YouTube channel:

Thank you for watching the vIdeo!
This is a channel you can know about Japanese Buddhism culture through my music expression.If you like, please subscribe to my channel!
►Follow me on instagram:

Follow Japanese Zen Music — Kanho Yakushiji Kissaquo

Ikkyu-ji / 一休寺2
Seigan-ji / 誓願寺
Kodai-ji / 高台寺
Taizo-in / 退蔵院

Filming Locations:Ikkyu-ji, Kyoto, Japan (Website:
Cinematography,Editing by Masaki Kitamori
Film Direction by Kanho Yakushiji, Jacky Chen (Mugen Creations)

#japan #temple #meditation #japanesezenmusic #kanhoyakushiji #heartsutra #zen #buddhism #healing

般若心経/Heart Sutra Lyrics:

ma ka han nya ha ra mi ta shin gyo

kan ji zai bo sa gyo jin han nya ha ra mi ta ji
観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時

sho ken go on kai ku do is-sai ku yaku
照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 

sha ri shi shiki fu i ku ku fu i shiki
舍利子 色不異空 空不異色  

shiki soku ze ku ku soku ze shiki
色即是空 空即是色  

ju so gyo shiki yaku bu nyo ze sha ri shi
受想行識亦復如是 舍利子 

ze sho ho ku so fu sho fu metsu
是諸法空相 不生不滅

fu ku fu jo fu zo fu gen ze ko ku chu mu shiki
不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中 無色    

mu ju so gyo shiki mu gen ni bi ze-shin ni
無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 

mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho mu gen kai
無色声香味触法 無眼界  

nai shi mu i shiki kai mu mu myo
乃至無意識界 無無明  

yaku mu mu myo jin nai shi mu ro shi
亦無無明尽 乃至無老死  

yaku mu ro shi jin mu ku shu metsu do
亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道   

mu chi yaku mu toku I mu sho toku ko
無智亦無得 以無所得故 

bo dai sat-ta e han nya ha ra mi ta ko
菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故  

shin mu kei ge mu ke ge ko
心無罣礙 無罣礙故 

mu u ku fu on ri is-sai ten do mu so
無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想 

ku gyo ne han san ze sho butsu
究竟涅槃 三世諸仏

e han-nya ha ra mi ta ko

toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bo dai

ko chi hannya ha ra mi ta

ze dai jin shu ze dai myo shu
是大神呪 是大明呪 

ze mu jo shu ze mu to do shu 
是無上呪 是無等等呪  

no jo is-sai ku shin jitsu fu ko
能除一切苦 真実不虚  

ko setsu han nya hara mi ta shu

soku setsu shu watsu

gya tei gya tei hara gya tei hara so gya tei
羯諦羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦   

bo ji so wa ka hannya shin gyo
菩提薩婆訶 般若心経

Secrets Of Zen-Japanese Chill Out ☯️

00:00 Tiger Tanaka — Aki mp3.
03:04 Hinata — Christos Koulaxizis
04:45 Dakini Mandarava — Ching
15:36 Shamindra — Breath of Life
20:22 Miyagi-Mantra rhythm
24:54 Bobby Tamari — Tokyo Silence
30:24 Miyagi — Kyoto Gardens
32:46 Alegría en Japón — Estudios Talkback
34:35 Yoshi-San — Saru
39:20 Dakini Mandarava — The Flow
39:57 The Flow of Qi — Dakini Mandarava
46:11 Shamindra — Stilling Of The Waters
51:25 Gifuto-Chekku-Yasui
56:34 Miyagi Jange Sekiang Morning
01:02:07 Sato-Koritsu
01:06:26 Mandarava

Theres A Light - A Long Lost Silence [Full Album]


Genre: Post rock/metal, experimental
Artist: Theres A Light
Album A Long Lost Silence (July 20, 2018)
Country: Lahr/Schwarzwald, Germany

Follow Theres A Light

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— Tracklist:

01. Intro 00:00
02. Beiteigeuze 02:52
03. White Marble 11:40
04. Farewell, My Friend 17:14
05. Across The River, Into The Trees 26:00
06. Far North 32:06
07. Antagonism 36:33
08. A Long Lost Silence 42:42

All rights reserved by Theres A Light.

#theresalight #postrock #germany #wherepostrockdwells